Free Passes to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

From May through October you can now get free passes for two adults and accompanying children to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay. The gardens are spectacular from tulip season through autumn leaf and dahlia season, so start planning your adventure now. Call the library or email for information about reserving your day's visit and getting tickets for two adults and up to five children/grandchildren under 18 years of age per adult.

Monthly Music Together for babies to five-year-olds Sponsored by Bangor Trust bank

Music Together -- Saturdays beginning September 7 at 10:00 join in fun with music and rhythm. Parents and children sing and dance together.

Children's Activities and Adult Activities

Friday May 17 10:00-12:00 Adult Games and refreshments. Cribbage, Scrabble, Sequence, Mahjong, Puzzles, Chess, etc. If you have a game at home you’d like to play, bring it along. Enjoy the morning at the library with friends while savoring tea and breakfast treats. .

Evening and Daytime Programs

The library offers free talks by local authors and experts in a variety of fields, usually on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., once or twice a month. May will feature Award winning author, Matthew Cost, who will read from his newest book, Pirate Trap on May 8. On May 15, Lincolnville artist, Ken Cleaves, will show a video of his Japanese-inspired garden and show his artwork.

Monthly Poetry Circle with Poet Janet Gold- The Wednesday Poetry Circle Beginning on Wednesday, May 15, anyone who enjoys poetry is invited to the Lincolnville Library from 3:00-4:30 for what we anticipate will become a regular gathering on the third Wednesday of each month to share poems, both original compositions as well as favorite poems by other poets. Time permitting, meetings may also occasionally highlight particular poetic forms or themes, followed by a fun exercise to experiment with that form or theme in our own words, so bring along a notebook and a pen.

Visible Mending Workshop will return in October. Watch for upcoming session date.

Past programs have covered everything from building your own boat, growing hops, long-distance hiking, using solar power, and facts and myths about bats, to identifying Maine birds and researching family history.

Book Discussion

You are invited to join the discussion of "Small Pleasures" by Clare Chambers at 5:00 on Tuesday, May 14th.

Everyone is welcome to join in these discussions even if they have not read the current book choice. This is also a great time to talk about other good books to read.

Also available for reading and discussions are books which are part of the Read ME read program sponsored by Maine Humanities Council.

Needlework Time

Anyone who enjoys knitting, crocheting, felting or any other kind of needlework is invited to come to the library on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. This is a time for people of all ages and experience levels to get together in the warm and cozy library to chat, learn, and share ideas and tips while working on their favorite projects. Participants on any of these Tuesdays may stay for part or all of the time and registration is not required.

Jackie Watts Open-air Museum

Visitors may stop by any time during the summer months to view the historical exhibits in the two outdoor sheds of this museum. Display items such as fishing boats, ice cutting tools, lime industry artifacts and large agricultural implements help depict the life of Lincolnville residents in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The museum is a project of the Lincolnville Historical Society.